WhatsApp introduced the large group calls functionality in April 2022 by allowing to place group calls with a maximum of 32 participants. However, people could only start a group call with up to 7 contacts. But now with the latest Android beta update, WhatsApp users can now start group calls with a maximum of 15 people.
Android beta testers with version number can now create a new group call with up to 15 people. “It’s important to highlight that while the number of people you can choose for the initial call has changed and improved to 15, group calls can still host up to 32 people in total. This update mainly focuses on enhancing the convenience of selecting participants during the group call creation process,” mentions the report.
“These improvements save time as the group call creator can immediately pick a large number of contacts to start a call with, making it more convenient for them to immediately connect with more people,” adds the report.
WhatsApp to soon get an animated avatar feature
Meta’s WhatsApp is gearing up to introduce an innovative animated avatar feature, aiming to elevate the messaging platform’s user experience. Recently, they revealed two thrilling updates for both iOS and Android versions, both revolving around avatars. The first upgrade focuses on streamlining the avatar setup process by allowing users to automatically generate their avatars using a photo. This efficient approach saves time and effort, making avatar customization a breeze.
The second enhancement brings an expanded collection of avatars right into the app settings. Users will now have access to a wider selection of pre-made avatars to choose from when setting up their profiles, granting them more personalization choices and enriching their avatar experience on WhatsApp. These additions are expected to create a more engaging and convenient avatar creation and selection process for users across both platforms.
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