Actor Swara Bhasker took to her Twitter handle and reacted to a recent video of MP Pragya Singh Thakur, also known as Sadhvi Pragya. In the video, the Bharatiya Janata Party member is seen urging ‘Hindu’ people to boycott the film, starring Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone. The controversy around the film started after the release of their first song Besharam Rang. (Also read: Swara Bhaskar responds to BJP leader’s Besharam Rang comment)
Reposting the video of Pragya Singh Thakur from an online news portal, the actor wrote in Hindi, “Why is terror-accused MP Pragya Thakur giving unemployed vibes? Have all the issues of the people of Bhopal been resolved? You are looking very strange, ma’am.”
In the video, MP Pragya Singh Thakur appeared to be unaware of the film’s title. However, she mentioned Besharam Rang and said, “Main Hinduon se awaan karti hu uski koi film na dekhe (I urge Hindus to not watch Pathaan).”
Earlier, Swara, among a few other Bollywood celebrities, came out in support of Pathaan, ahead of its release. She posted a screenshot of a news article that stated the BJP-led government in Madhya Pradesh may ban the release of the new film for showing ‘Muslim man groping woman wearing saffron’. “Miliye humare desh ke sattadhari netaon se. Abhinetriyon ke kapde dekhne se fursat milti, to kya pata kuch kar bhi lete (Meet our country’s leaders in power. They may have done some work, had they had some time left after ogling at actor’s dresses),” shared Swara.
Besharam Rang has been courting controversies ever since its release. The song has Shah Rukh and Deepika Padukone grooving in Spain. It has been written by Kumaar while the music has been composed by Vishal-Sheykhar. Vaibhavi Merchant has choreographed the song.
The boycott calls began with many objecting to Deepika’s outfits, including a saffron bikini, in the song. A complaint petition has been filed before a court in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur district on Friday, seeking the registration of an FIR against Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and others for “hurting religious sentiments” of Hindus in Besharam Rang.
Pathaan is directed by Siddharth Anand. Besides Shah Rukh and Deepika, it also stars John Abraham. The film will release in January, and marks Shah Rukh’s comeback to films, after four years.
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