Healthy Baby: What Ingredients Should I Look For in Baby Food?

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Today, parents want to find out more about the available baby formula in the market to guarantee the best nutrition for their babies. Not all parents can afford breastfeeding because of various reasons. 

Fortunately, the baby food market has different alternatives that help babies adjust to our world. One can choose hypoallergenic, organic, non-organic, toddler, and vegan formula for babies. The choice should depend on a  baby’s health conditions and the recommendations of a pediatrician who knows a baby’s health state best. What should a baby formula include?

What Types of Baby Food are There?

Babies differ. Some can be milk intolerant, while others feel gassy because of whole cow proteins in their daily servings. That is why baby food manufacturers do their best to provide infants with different types of formula to satisfy their gentle digestion. Below, you can read about all variants of baby food.

Organic Food

European countries regard this formula as the best available on the market due to its natural and safe ingredients. It can be made of the milk of cows or goats that eat pasture grass and never consume pesticides and chemicals. Vets take care of them and never allow farmers to milk sick animals or those who are treated with antiparasite drugs and antibiotics. Only healthy cows and goats are allowed to be milked.

Cow’s formula is famous worldwide, while goat’s formula is available only in European countries. Goat’s milk is less allergic, so it doesn’t provoke indigestion and bloating. Parents who want to get it in non-European countries should search for it online. Organic’s Best is a reputable online store that sells organic baby food to other countries fast and following safety standards. 

Non-organic Food

Such formulas are made of animal milk, too. The only difference between this and organic formula is that it can contain harmful substances, such as chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics. Moreover, the level of carbs and unhealthy fats can be high, which negatively affects the baby’s digestion and health.

Hypoallergenic Formula

This food is made of goat’s or vegan milk and is usually organic. This product is popular among European customers because pediatricians and the European Food Safety Authority set high requirements for baby food ingredients. Consequently, European companies try to correspond to the demanded standards and produce food that will fit babies with milk sensitivity. Goat’s and vegan milk work best for this purpose.

Vegan Formula for Babies

What should parents do if their babies cannot tolerate animal milk? In this case, one should select vegan formula for babies. It can be made of one of the following plants:

  • pea
  • almond
  • oat
  • coconut
  • hemp

The ingredients depend on the manufacturing company, so a parent should examine the package to find out how much protein, vitamins, healthy fats, and carbs each serving contains.

What Ingredients to Look for to Guarantee the Best Nutrition?

Every baby’s organism is unique and requires a certain amount of vitamins and minerals except for fats, carbs, and proteins. The European formula is a perfect solution because its manufacturers have created several stages to provide the required number of nutrients for babies from 0+ to 12 months. These are stages 0 and 1 for newborns, stage 2 for 6-month-old babies, and stage 3 for kids from 6 to 12 months old. 

The safest baby formula is without chemicals, pesticides, hormones, GMOs, taste enhancers, gluten, and thickeners. If a parent prefers an organic formula, there shouldn’t be animal protein, but it must have vitamins Ca, D, E, B, DHA, and probiotics if necessary. Allergic kids should try goat’s or vegan formula for babies with only safe and organic ingredients. Besides, the product must have a certificate that proves its safety and legality.  

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