Aditi Rao Hydari returned to the Cannes Film Festival on Wednesday, dazzling in a cool blue gown on the French Riviera. She shared the pictures of her latest photoshoot on Instagram where colleagues and fans commented that she looked stunning in the Oscar de la Renta gown. The actor was making her second trip to Cannes, after making her debut last year with L’Oreal Paris. (Also read: Aditi Rao Hydari shares sweet birthday wish for rumoured boyfriend Siddharth: ‘Be magical, be you’ Watch)
First look from Cannes
On Instagram, Aditi posted four photographs from the first shoot at Cannes this year. She wrote, “Nice to meet you again Cannes (blue heart emoji) #walkyourworth #cannes2023 @lorealparis.” In the first picture, Aditi is sitting on the cobbled street in the ‘duck egg’ blue flared strapless Oscar de la Renta gown. She did not wear shoes for this photo. In the second photo, the actor shows off her cuffed diamond earrings by Tuula Jewellery. In the next two photos, the actor can be seen walking along the small quaint streets of the French seaside town.
Friends and fans dropped heart eyes and red heart emojis on Aditi’s post. Stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania commented, ‘Beauty’ and added a blue diamond, while Shweta Tripathi Sharma wrote, “Stunninggggg.” Sophie Choudry added, “Lovely adu.” One fan shared blue heart emojis and wrote, “Killed it!” While another said, “best look at Cannes.”
Memories of last year
Last year, when she walked the red carpet for the first time, Aditi had spoken about the pressure of making her debut at Cannes. She told Film Companion in an interview, “[Sabyasachi] was chatting with me and I was like…You know I am a tiny person, now I cannot compete with like all the giraffes around me,” clarifying that she means giraffe in a good way. She had added, “I am an actor and I am a tiny person and it’s fine. I am okay with it you know. So I have to be comfortable with who I am and how I present myself. Yeah so I am going to attempt it.”
Aditi was recently seen as Anarkali in the Zee5 series Taj: Divided by Blood. She also appeared as Sumitra Kumari in the Prime Video series Jubilee. Later this year, she will be a part of the ensemble cast in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s series Heeramandi.
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