WABetaInfo, the website which tracks changes in the WhatsApp build, has reported that the popular messaging app is designing the following emojis Face with Tears of Joy, Loudly Crying Face, Crying Face, Face with Open Mouth, Red Heart, and Fire. When the animated version of an emoji is available, it will be sent automatically as a default option. This means that users may not have the ability to disable the animation if they prefer a static version. The animated emojis are developed using Lottie, an optimised library that empowers designers to create small-sized animations that maintain their quality even when resized or adjusted.
As reported earlier, WhatsApp is working with Lottie, an optimised library that lets designers easily create animations that are small in size while maintaining their proportions and quality. The ability to send animated emojis is still in development and it will be released in a future update of WhatsApp Desktop beta.
WhatsApp Chat Lock feature introduced
WhatsApp has recently introduced a new feature called Chat Lock, allowing users to secure specific individual chats. With the Chat Lock feature, users now have the ability to protect their private conversations by setting a password. When a chat is locked, both the sender’s name and the message content remain hidden. These locked chats are moved to a separate folder, eliminating them from the regular chat list. Access to this folder is only granted through the device password or by utilizing a biometric authentication method like fingerprint recognition.
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