Xiaomi 13 Ultra will launch globally in April. Its predecessor, the Xiaomi 12S Ultra, was launched in July 2022. The 12S Ultra device was the first smartphone co-engineered by Xiaomi and Leica. Earlier this year, the two companies announced a long-term strategic partnership for mobile imaging, which means that all high-end Xiaomi devices will feature Leica-branded cameras henceforth. Xiaomi 13 Ultra is one such device, which has been highly anticipated. Since before the Mobile World Congress 2023, there have previously been several leaks and reports surrounding the upcoming smartphone.
Leica Camera (@leica_camera) officially confirmed in a tweet that the Xiaomi 13 Ultra smartphone will launch globally this month, in April. Lei Jun, founder and CEO of Xiaomi, also confirmed through a tweet that the Xiaomi 13 Ultra will feature the “most exceptional Leica Summicron lens.”
Another significant milestone in our strategic partnership with Leica! We’re thrilled to bring you the latest optical systems and the most exceptional Summicron lens yet in mobile imaging, achieving consistent optical excellence across different lenses from wide to telephoto for… pic.twitter.com/WCinsG7fow
— Lei Jun (@leijun) April 6, 2023
The Summicron lens developed by Leica has a spherical optical design which is claimed to help “perfect imaging and excellent contrasts.” Xiaomi’s 12S Ultra Concept allowed users to attach a Leica M-series lens module to its body. It will be interesting to see, how since announcing their partnership, Xiaomi has integrated the aforementioned unique Leica lens in its handset.
Reportedly, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra — powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC — is expected to come in variants of 12GB and 16GB of RAM paired alongside expected onboard storage of 256GB and 512GB. The phone is expected to feature a 6.7-inch WQHD+ AMOLED LTPO display with a refresh rate of 120Hz.
The reported quad rear camera setup is expected to include a 50-megapixel primary sensor, a 50-megapixel ultra-wide lens and two 50-megapixel telephoto sensors. The front camera is expected to use a 32-megapixel sensor.
Speculated to be running Android 13-based MIUI 14 out-of-the-box as per reports, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra is likely to pack a 4,900mAh battery with 90W fast charging support.
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