Before he got married to actor Katrina Kaif, Vicky Kaushal had revealed a beautiful tip that Abhishek Bachchan had shared with him. The actor, who turns 35 on May 16, revealed the useful marriage advice in an old interview. Vicky married Katrina on December 9, 2021 in a private but traditional ceremony in Rajasthan. The couple, who is yet to appear in a film together, celebrated their first anniversary last year with special posts highlighting their dedication to one another. (Also read: When Aishwarya Rai revealed she had fights with Abhishek Bachchan every day: ‘Women don’t make up’)
Recently, at a trailer launch event for his upcoming film, Zara Hatke Zara Bach Ke, with Sara Ali Khan, Vicky was asked if he will consider remarrying someone better than Katrina. The actor burst out laughing with his co-star and joked that he was going to get in trouble at home. Later, he stated he won’t leave Katrina even in his next birth.
In a 2018 interview with Brides Today, the actor was asked about any advice he would give to men who were about to be married. Vicky had said, “I got a beautiful tip from Abhishek Bachchan that ‘When you get married, say sorry before you go to bed and the first thing right after you wake up. You will be really happy’.” In the same interview, the actor had shared that he planned to settle down soon after he turned 30.
Back in 2010, Abhishek had explained that he and his wife, actor Aishwarya Rai, don’t go to bed angry. During an interview with Vogue India, the actor had shared that he is the first to make up between the couple. He had also said that he and Aishwarya had disagreements every day, which they resolved eventually.
Vicky’s last film was on Disney+ Hotstar; he starred in Govinda Naam Mera (2022) opposite Kiara Advani and Bhumi Pednekar. In February, he appeared in Anurag Kashyap’s Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat as the elusive DJ in the young romance film. He also has Meghna Gulzar’s Sam Bahadur, Laxman Utekar’s Zara Hatke Zara Bach Ke and an untitled project with Anand Tiwari for Prime Video lined up for release this year.
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