The recent promo of the upcoming fifth episode of Koffee With Karan shows guests Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor roasting host Karan Johar for always asking questions about the sexual lives of Bollywood celebrities. Before we get to see the complete episode, here’s a look at how Kapil Sharma had once asked Karan Johar about this fascination. Kapil was a guest on the show in 2017 and did not miss the chance to touch upon the topic.
During a conversation on one of the episodes of season 5, Karan Johar had asked Kapil about his then ‘girlfriend’. Kapil, who married longtime girlfriend Ginni Chatrath in 2018, evaded the question by saying he had many ‘girlfriends’. He even said that he had a bicrush on Deepika Padukone. But Karan refused to buy his reply.
He further asked Kapil, “So, what do you do for sex?” and left him speechless. As Kapil looked at him in shock, Karan added, “It’s a need.” Kapil finally asked Karan, “Is this Koffee with Karan, or is it something else with Karan? Kya hai yeh (what is this)?”
Sharing his observation, Kapil told Karan, “I have seen a speciality of yours. Even if you talk about the country’s economy, you have the capability to bring it to the point of lust.” Karan agreed that indeed it was one of his specialties and added, “I can make any topic sexual.” He added that even his mom Hiroo Johar was getting angry and asked him to control it. But Kapil claimed that it was his specialty and fun to watch.
When the particular video clip was shared by Reddit, viewers of the show took no time in reacting to it. A viewer commented, “That’s what sells; people want to know about the sex lives of celebrities.” Another said, “Kapil is absolutely right here and I think KJo (Karan Johar) took it as a compliment, lol (laughing out loud).” One more said, “The art of making every conversation awkward.”
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