WhatsApp has been really aggressive when it comes to adding and testing new features on its platform. The instant messaging app has been testing several new features such as improved emoji reactions, the ability to export chat backups and more.
Now, it seems that the company is working on another feature that will provide group admins more control over who can join the group. The company has introduced a new feature called ‘group membership approval’, according to WABetaInfo.
According to the report, group admins can enable or disable the group membership approval feature. Once the feature is enabled, people who want to join a particular group via the invite link will need to be manually approved by the admins.
As per the screenshot shared, the enabling and disabling part of the feature will be shown in the group chat window similar to the disappearing message prompt.
The feature is currently rolling out in beta in both Android and iOS versions of the app and users will need to update their app with the latest beta version. It is not clear when it will be available in the stable version.
It is important to note that the company has also added gender-neutral emoji with the same update.
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