Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced new features for WhatsApp messaging platform such as message reactions, Communities and others. Now as per a latest report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is planning to bring another Instagram-like feature to the platform. According to the report, the company is working on quick reactions feature for status updates.
What is the quick reactions feature
The quick reactions feature allows you to react to an Instagram Story story quickly with an emoji. When you swipe up while watching an Instagram Story, you will get an emoji panel with 8 emojis that you can use to react to the Story.
As per the screenshot shared in the report, while using WhatsApp on desktop, you will be able to see 8 emojis to use as reactions for status updates. The emojis seen in the screenshot are similar to the Instagram app that includes – Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes, Face with Tears of Joy, Face with Open Mouth, Crying Face, Folded Hands, Clapping Hands, Party Popper, and Hundred Points.
The report further reveals that once you use an emoji to react to a WhatsApp status, it will be sent in the chat as a simple emoji message. As the feature is still under development, WhatsApp may make a few changes in the user interface of the feature.
As of now, WhatsApp has not revealed any details about this feature but it is expected that we may see it in the upcoming beta update for iOS and Android platforms.
WhatsApp is also reportedly planning to add the functionality that will allow users to use a WhatsApp account on multiple smartphones. The platform recently started to roll out the multi-device feature that allows users to access the platform on multiple devices even if there is no connectivity on the primary device. Users can link a single WhatsApp account with up to four more devices. However, the feature does not allow you to use your WhatsApp account on any other smartphone.
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