WABetaInfo, the Twitter account which keeps track of the upcoming changes in WhatsApp, has reported that the Meta-owned app is developing the ability to pin messages within chats and groups on WhatsApp. A pinned message is a particular message that is highlighted within a conversation and remains at the top of the chat for easy reference. “This feature can be useful in a variety of situations, such as when a group is discussing a specific topic and a relevant message needs to be easily accessible,” mentions WABetaInfo.
WABetaInfo also shared a screenshot of the upcoming feature. As per the screenshot, when the pin action is selected, the message is pinned on the top of the conversation and it will remain there until it is unpinned. This feature makes it easy for users to quickly access and reference important messages within a conversation.
WhatsApp to stop working on older phones starting January 1, 2023
WhatsApp will reportedly stop working on some Android phones and iPhones starting this week. WhatsApp is ending support for some of the old smartphone models starting December 31, 2022.
As reported by GizChina, the list of outdated devices include 49 smartphones from Apple, Samsung, LG and others. On its official support page WhatsApp has mentioned that the app supports Android smartphones running OS version 4.1 and newer and iOS smartphones running iOS 12 and above. Smartphones running KaiOS 2.5 including the JioPhone and JioPhone 2 also support WhatsApp.
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