Indian cricketing star MS Dhoni celebrated his 42nd birthday on July 7, 2023. Fans and followers from across the world showered him with wishes on social media. However, he kept the birthday celebration quite low-key and settled for a simple cake-cutting ceremony at home in Ranchi. Wonder how we got to know? In a video post shared online by MS Dhoni himself, he was seen cutting a simple loaf cake, without any frosting. The video featured him blowing out the candle, then cutting the cake and sharing a slice with his four pet dogs. The four adorable dogs are seen wagging their tail and watching the cricketer intently as he shares the slices among them. He is also seen taking a small bite himself. Sounds so adorable, right?
Sharing the video, MS Dhoni wrote, “Thanks a lot for all your warm wishes, a glimpse of what I did on my birthday.”
In response, his wife Sakshi Singh dropped heart and heart-eye emojis.
Also Read: Viral: MS Dhoni’s Love For Chai During IPL 2023 Preparations Is Too Relatable
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Now, if you are impressed with MS Dhoni’s choice of a simple, fuss-free cake, and want to try a loaf cake for a special occasion, you are at the right place. Here are some popular loaf cake recipes to try baking at home.
Here’re 5 Loaf Cake Options For You:
1. Sticky golden syrup loaf cake:
This dark, damp, sticky cake is comfort food done right. The syrup-soaked loaf is perfect as a festive snack or can be reserved for special occasions. The best part? You can elevate the cake with toppings based on your preference. Click here for full recipe.
2. Chocolate and nut loaf:
If you want a recipe that is sure to impress everyone, look no further than the chocolate and nut loaf. Made with yoghurt, this loaf is elevated by its topping – a pear and sweet lime rind sauce. Recipe here.
3. Banana bread:
You cannot really go wrong with a banana loaf. This classic dish is easy to make and easier to relish. What makes banana bread so popular is that it can be made with just three ingredients – ripe bananas, condensed milk and flour. Click here for recipe.
4. Chai swirl loaf cake:
This delightful recipe features a classic marble cake with a twist – a delightful blend of chai spices in lieu of the usual cocoa powder. It can be easily prepared in a 20cm round tin, as suggested by celebrity baker Ruby Tandoh. Take a look at the recipe here.
5. Zucchini loaf:
This one is for all the foodies who love to experiment. Zucchini loaf as the name suggests includes shredded zucchini, sugar and flour, among other ingredients. You can increase the sugar content and have it sweet or even pair it with gravies to complete a savoury meal. Recipe here.
Tell us which loaf recipe you liked best.
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