It was a starry night on the red carpet at the fourth edition of the Indian Sports Honours in Mumbai on Thursday. Several Bollywood stars were present to award the heroes of the sporting world including couples Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma as well as Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh. Deepika and Ranveer walked the red carpet with her father, badminton player Prakash Padukone. Other celebrities like Ajay Devgn, Abhishek Bachchan, Angad Bedi, Neha Dhupia and Rhea Chakraborty were also spotted. Cricketer Shubman Gill and Olympic gold medalist Neeraj Chopra dressed up for the occasion too. (Also read: Deepika Padukone shows how she got ready for Oscars in behind-the-scenes video from big day. Watch)
Cricketer Virat and his wife Anushka made a rare public appearance for the awards show. While the former Indian captain was wearing a dark suit for the occasion with a red cravat in his front pocket, Anushka wore lilac off-shoulder gown with diamond earrings. Fans commented on social media, “Most beautiful couple ever” and “God bless you guys always”.
Meanwhile, Deepika and Ranveer twinned in black with her father Prakash Padukone, the former badminton world number one. He was also the first Indian to win the All England Open Badminton Championships in 1980. They posed for photographs together on the red carpet. Ranveer Singh and Prakash both wore black suits, while Deepika wore a simple but striking black saree.
Earlier this month, Deepika Padukone was seen at the Louis Vuitton show at Paris Fashion Week and later was invited as a presenter at the 95th Academy Awards where India won two Oscars.
Ajay, who is playing football coach Syed Abdul Rahim in the upcoming period film Maidaan was also seen at the event. His next film as director and actor, Bholaa, is out next week in theatres.
Angad Bedi, son of former Indian cricket captain Bishan Singh Bedi, arrived with his wife, actor Neha Dhupia. He wore a blue suit, while Neha wore a moss green modern draped saree. Angad and Neha were married in 2018 and have two children together.
Abhishek Bachchan is the owner of the Pro Kabaddi League franchise team Jaipur Pink Panthers as well as the co-owner of the Indian Super League football team Chennaiyin FC. He will be seen in a special appearance in Ajay’s next Bholaa.
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