Actor Vijay Deverakonda met executive director of Gaiety Galaxy and Maratha Mandir Cinema Manoj Desai in Mumbai recently. They met just a few days after Vijay said ‘kaun rokenge dekh lenge (who will stop, we will see)’ amid boycott trend on his film Liger. Manoj later criticised Vijay for his statement and called the actor ‘arrogant’. Also Read: Vijay Deverakonda has become arrogant, says theatre owner after his ‘dekh lenge’ remark on Liger boycott trend
In a picture shared online, Vijay and Manoj are smiling as they posed together. Andhra box office shared the photo on Twitter and wrote, “#VijayDeverakonda met Mumbai Exhibitor #ManojDesai and expressed regret about his recent comments about the Boycott/OTT Issues (which are allegedly taken out of context). He will be promoting Liger in Dubai tomorrow at #AsiaCup.”
One fan commented, “He legit went out of the way to clear the misunderstanding.” While one tagged Vijay and wrote, “You cannot please everyone,” another one said, “This is like too much drama.”
Recently, there have been calls to boycott films like Laal Singh Chaddha, Hrithik Roshan’s Vikram Vedha’, Akshay Kumar’s Raksha Bandhan. There is mass hysteria surrounding the new trend with many actors fearing it might affect the business of their film. Actor Vijay Deverakonda’s film Liger also became the victim of the trend recently.
Speaking about the same, Vijay told ANI in an interview, “We’ve put our heart into making this film. And I believe that I am correct. I feel that there is no room for fear, when I had nothing, I didn’t fear, and now after having achieved something, I don’t think there needs to be any fear even now. Maa ka aashirwaad hai, Logon ka pyaar hai, Bhagwaan ka haath hai, andar aag hai, Kaun rokenge dekh lenge (We have mother’s blessings, people’s love, God’s support, a fire inside us, we will see who will stop us)!”
Manoj didn’t liked Vijay’s comment. Speaking with Filmi Fever, he said, “Mr Vijay, you have become arrogant, ‘Watch the movie or if you don’t wish to then don’t watch’. If the audience will not watch, what has the situation of Taapsee Pannu become? What are Aamir Khan and Akshay Kumar’s Raksha Bandhan going through? You also want your… Why don’t you work in OTT? Work in good serials in Tamil, Telugu, and OTT platforms, and leave the theatre. ‘Boycott our film’, why are you showing smartness? People won’t even watch on OTT. Such behaviour of yours is creating trouble in advance bookings of our theatres. Mr Vijay, you are anaconda not ‘Konda Konda’. You are talking like an anaconda. ‘Vinaash kaale vipareet buddhi (when the time of destruction inches closer, the mind stops working), and you are doing that.”
He added, “Why are you saying all this nonsense? Taapsee did the same and look at her situation. Now, you are doing? Are you feeling good about it?… I had high expectations from the movie, but such statements during the interview have harsh impacts…Don’t go to hashtags, in the end, you will only regret it.”
Liger marks Vijay’s debut in Hindi cinema and was released on August 25. The sports drama also features Ananya Panday in her first multi-lingual film.
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