National award-winning director Rajendra Singh Babu will soon wrap up his upcoming period drama, Veera Kambala. Recently, actors Prakash Raj and Ravi Shankar were spotted on the sets of the film sporting advocate gowns. Talking about the film Rajendra Singh Babu says, “The director has spent two years on writing and researching for the script. It is dense scripting dealing with arguments about the Buffalo Race.” It is also said that the filmmaker has even taken a few tips from director TN Seetharam for this courtroom episode. Prakash Raj, who has previously collaborated with Rajendra Singh Babu in Muttina Haara, feels proud to be part of Veera Kambala.
“Though the audience has seen me in courtroom scenes earlier, this subject is close to my heart as it is a story about my land. As a Tulu-speaking person from the Dakshina Kannada region, the land and culture of the film are close to me. As a Kannadiga I feel it is my responsibility to do this film,” says Prakash Raj. On the other hand, Ravi Shankar has a couple of reasons for accepting the film.
“One: It is an opportunity to do a film in the Tulu language. Secondly, I get to work with Rajendra Singh Babu, whom I consider one of the best directors in the Kannada industry. Also, it is a pleasure to work with a notable actor like Prakash Raj. All of it attracted me to take up this role,” he says.
Produced by Arun Rao of AR Productions banner, the film has music by Khadri Manikanth and cinematography by R Giri. It also stars Kambala racers Srinivas Gowda and Swaraj playing the lead roles. The film’s cast also has Naveen Padil, Gopinath Bath, Rajashekar Kotiyan, Mime Ramesh, Usha Bhandari, Bhojaraja Vamanjur, Geetha Surathkal, Suresh Shetty, Divya, Santosh Shetty, Yuva Shetty, Hardik Padival, and Santosh among others.
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