Twinkle Khanna has shared an amusing post about her nine-year-old daughter Nitara, commenting on how she dressed up to attend her virtual class. The actor-turned writer also took a jibe at people in Mumbai who pretend the city is witnessing the winter season just like North India.
Nitara is seen wearing a hoodie over a tea paired with tights. She chose to cover her face as well with the hoodie. Sharing Nitara’s picture on Instagram, Twinkle wrote, “Dressing up for the first day of virtual school. She makes her sartorial point clear. Also wearing three pairs of tights and two jackets like all Bombay crackpots who are pretending we actually experience any season besides hot and damp or warm and wet.”
Tahira Kashyap commented to the post, “Hahaha cutie.” Tisca Chopra also reacted, “Hahahahha!” A fan wrote, “Haha super cute! I literally felt she is attending virtual school from Delhi! Her outfit is apt for Dili ki sardi (Delhi winters).” Another fan form Delhi wrote, “Please send her to Delhi, we are cracking with cold and shivering till our bones break.” One more fan said, “Hahaha! The thing about Mumbaikars taking out their winter clothes.”
Also read: Twinkle Khanna twins with Nitara during downtime in the Maldives, shares advice about keeping ‘pesky kids at bay’
Few weeks ago, Twinkle had shared a picture with Nitara and talked about how she is bringing her up. She wrote, “A mother needs to keep an eye on her child’s mind as much as she does on her homework. She must follow the tendrils of her thoughts, and each time she sees something askew, she has to nudge it back in place and she needs to do this every single day. I may be far from perfect and I live with that guilt like most other members that belong to this tribe, but if I can do this much, then that’s good enough and perhaps good enough is as marvelous as we all need to be.”
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