Sheezan Khan, who was arrested for allegedly abetting the suicide of his co-star Tunisha Sharma, was granted bail on Saturday. A Maharashtra court granted bail to the actor in the Tunisha Sharma death case on a bail bond of ₹1 lakh and has been asked to submit his passport, as per a news agency. Sheezan was arrested last year in December and has been in judicial custody ever since. He was reportedly in a relationship with Tunisha, and they had broken up weeks before her alleged suicide. Also read: Sheezan Khan’s sister clarifies his breakup with Tunisha Sharma was ‘mutual’
News agency ANI tweeted on Saturday, “Television actor Sheezan Khan, accused and arrested in television actress Tunisha Sharma’s suicide case granted bail on ₹1 lakh surety bond by Vasai court, asks Sheezan Khan to submit his passport.”
On December 24, Tunisha Sharma was found dead on the set of her show Alibaba Dastaan-E-Kabul minutes after she gave a shot and spoke to her ex boyfriend at the time, Sheezan Khan. When she did not turn up for her shot again, her colleagues broke open the door of the bathroom, and found her dead. On December 24, Waliv police had arrested Sheezan on charges of abetment to suicide under the Indian Penal Code.
Sheezan Khan was arrested a day after Tunisha’s death. Her mother Vanita Sharma filed a case of abetment of suicide against him. Tunisha and Sheezan reportedly dated for some time last year, and his family claims that they had a mutual breakup just days before Tunisha was found dead. The Vasai court on December 31 had sent accused Sheezan to a 14-day judicial custody after his police custody ended; his judicial custody was then extended.
Tunisha’s mother Vanita had levelled allegations against Sheezan claiming that he used to beat up Tunisha and was forcing her to adopt Islam. However, addressing a press conference, Sheezan’s sister Falaq Naaz, had accused Tunisha’s mother of “neglecting” her and said that the late actor’s depression was due to her childhood trauma. Sheezan’s sisters Shafaq Naaz and Falaq, and his mother Kehekshan Faisi, alongwith his lawyer Shailendra Mishra, held the press conference earlier this year.
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