Raghu Reddy, Xiaomi India’s chief business officer, has teased the launch of the new Mi Notebook model. Reddy tweeted an image of a laptop with a backlit keyboard. He also posted a caption along with the image which reads, “Now that’s an upgrade I have been waiting for…”
Now that’s an upgrade I have been waiting for… https://t.co/wDwW1oomp9
— Raghu Reddy (@RaghuReddy505) 1628672128000
The company has not yet offered any other details about the specifications of the laptop
Apart from this, Mi India’s PC marketing head Karthik Murugeshan Subramani also posted an image of the yet to launch laptop. The image posted by Karthik suggests that the new Mi Notebook will come with a metallic body design. If this is true then, this will also be the first Xiaomi laptop to sport a metallic body design.
So excited for this @RaghuReddy505 and @manukumarjain … have to say, getting early access to game changing device… https://t.co/sSeF19JzAS
— Karthik M S (Railmani) (@m_s_karthik) 1628674325000
Karthik tweeted, “So excited for this @RaghuReddy505 and @manukumarjain … have to say, getting early access to game changing devices is by far the favorite part of my job!”
Meanwhile, a recent report by research firm Canalys revealed that the surge in PC demand continued through the second quarter of 2021 (2Q21) despite global component shortages and logistics issues. The report reveals that PC shipments in 2020 grew by 11 per cent and reached 297 million units.
The latest Canalys data shows that worldwide PC market growth accelerated in the last quarter of 2020, as shipments of desktops, notebooks and workstations increased by 25% from a year ago to reach a record 90.3 million units.
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