Actor Nandish Singh Sandhu took a sabbatical from the small screen to make a mark on the big screen and had back-to-back releases Family of Thakurganj and Super 30 in 2019. The actor is still not keen on TV and is now focusing on OTT projects.
He was recently seen in a special appearance in the series Grahan and is also shooting for two more series.
“Super 30 gave me a good boost and projects were coming my way but then pandemic happened. It was a tough phase for everyone, so was it for me! The project I’m currently working on was supposed to happen last year. Thankfully, things have started to pick-up for everybody,” says the Uttaran actor.
Nandish does not want to go to back to daily soaps for now. “TV serials need long commitment, and I can’t get stuck in that. I am already shooting and then there are other projects that I am in talks for. As theatres are not operational yet, everyone is now moving towards OTT, and we all had to alter our plans.”
Till the time theatres open he feels that OTT is the space to be at the moment. “God is kind that good work and content is coming my way.”
Nandish is simultaneously shooting for two series in Mumbai. “I started a project in April but then second lockdown happened. Now, it has restarted, and along with that I am also shooting for another series. Unfortunately, I can’t talk about it as I am bound by contract but one of them will come out this year while another will stream next year.”
His last release was shot in Lucknow. “I shot there for five days as it was a special appearance. Earlier, I had shot for Family… for over two months, done a commercial and couple of events besides promotional trips. So, visiting Lucknow is like a regular thing now,” he says.
Last year, he has also shot for a song Chale Aao for singer Rhiti, a Lucknowite.
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