The numbers for Sidharth Malhotra and Ajay Devgn’s latest release Thank God witnessed a dip at the domestic box office on day two of the film’s release. The film has managed to earn ₹6 crore despite being released during a holiday period. The family comedy, directed by Indra Kumar, released in theatres on October 25. (Also Read | Sidharth Malhotra says Nora Fatehi’s Manike is not ‘just an item song’, calls it main track in Thank God)
Thank God earned ₹8.10 crore in India on its opening day. The film is the official remake of the Danish flick, Sorte Kugler. Apart from Ajay Devgn and Sidharth, the film also features Rakul Preet Singh.
Taking to Twitter on Thursday, film trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared a poster for the day two collection. He tweeted, “#ThankGod hits a rough patch on Day 2… Biz remains weak, despite the ongoing holiday period… Simply put, the 2-day total is underwhelming… Biz on Thu and Fri [working days] needs to stay on similar levels… Tue 8.10 cr, Wed 6 cr. Total: ₹ 14.10 cr. #India biz.”
Thank God is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Ashok Thakeria, Sunir Kheterpal, Deepak Mukut, Anand Pandit and Markand Adhikari. Yash Shah is credited as the co-producer on the film. The producers shared the first-day India box office collection numbers in a media statement.
“With the entire nation now celebrating their #ThankGod moments, it’s time to #ThankGod for all the love the film has received on its #Day1 #IndraKumar directorial, #AjayDevgn #SidharthMalhotra and #RakulPreetSingh starrer helms a remarkable impression and collects ₹8.10 Cr,” the statement read.
The Hindustan Times review of Thank God read, “While the film is watchable enough as simplistic mainstream comedies go, at a time when there’s never been more pressure on Hindi cinema to offer up a substantial theatrical experience, Thank God is forgettable storytelling of the first order.”
Speaking about the film, Sidharth told news agency PTI, “Action is difficult and any film comes with its own set of challenges. I feel comedy is equally difficult to do. I’ve always tried to keep my genres different. I don’t know how long I can sustain that. But Thank God came as a refreshing change, because of the entertainment factor in it.”
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