Shares of . traded 1.57 per cent up at Rs 2718.65 at 10:46AM (IST) on Thursday, even as BSE benchmark Sensex gained 128.62 points to 55526.15.
The scrip had closed at Rs 2676.65 in the…
Shares of . gained 1.47 per cent to Rs 2442.95 in Monday's trade as of 10:10AM (IST). The stock hit a high price of Rs 2450.65 and low of Rs 2418.25 during the session.
The return on equity…
Shares of . traded 0.32 per cent up at Rs 2412.85 on Thursday at around 11:21AM (IST), while the benchmark BSE Sensex advanced 19.27 points to 53046.24.
As many as 1,736 shares changed…