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Shikha Tripathi

Notes from Mahesh Khan

The best view comes after the hardest climb, and the best forest rest houses after the toughest roads. This is the modified adage I give to my cousin at the wheel who cannot comprehend why…

Sunshine in my rucksack

Travelling in my backyard, I rediscovered waterfalls, fresh fruits, the moons of Jupiter, solitude As privileged as it sounds, the pandemic ‘trapped’ me in the mountains; I was home,…

Notes from Lansdowne

The cantonment town in Uttarakhand has a quiet beauty preserved by strict military rules “Pull up your mask properly, and stand away until allowed to enter,” commands a stern voice from…

Notes from Parvada

Ordinarily, Parvada would be nowhere on my list of places to visit — it would never make the cut. Everything in this rollercoaster of a year though has been a revelation, and smaller has…