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Pest Control Market Size is projected to reach USD 35.05 Billion by 2030, growing at…
New York, United States, Sept. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pesticides are substances sprayed on a location to ward off or lessen damage from pests. Pest control efforts are concentrated…
Store-bought milkweed plants can expose monarch caterpillars to harmful pesticides:…
Milkweed plants purchased at retail nurseries across the United States were contaminated with pesticides harmful to monarch caterpillars that rely on milkweed, a study led by researchers at…
Global Monomethyl Acetoacetamide Market is Predicted to Grow at a CAGR of ~4% during…
New York, Sept. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Research Nester has published a detailed market report on ‘Global Monomethyl Acetoacetamide Market’ for the forecast period, i.e. 2022 – 2031…
Pregnant women are exposed to cancer-causing chemicals in dishware, hair coloring,…
Pregnant women in the U.S. are being exposed to chemicals like melamine, cyanuric acid, and aromatic amines that can increase the risk of cancer and harm child development, according to…
Pesticides and Thyroid Cancer: Is There a Link?
The authors say this study provides the first evidence supporting the hypothesis that residential pesticide exposure from agricultural use is associated!--include>…
Researchers examine link between pesticides and thyroid cancer risk in Central…
In single pollutant models and within a 20-year period, 10 out of 29 reviewed pesticides were associated with thyroid cancer, including several of the most widely used ones in the U.S. These…
Lactating mice pass along common antimicrobial to pups, initiating liver damage:…
In mouse studies, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine report that lactating mothers expose their feeding pups to triclosan, an antimicrobial commonly used in…
The Dangerous Chemicals Lurking Inside Shipping Containers
For their study, Hinz and her colleagues enlisted the help of the New Zealand customs authority. Staff used probes, which they pushed through the rubber seals of the container doors, to…
Syngenta to Educate Farmers in 13 States on Spraying Pesticides With Drones
Swiss agrochemical major Syngenta on Friday started a 'drone yatra' of 10,000 km in India to educate farmers on pesticide spraying using drones across 13 states in the next three months. The…