Oppo Reno 8Z 5G was launched in Thailand on Thursday. The handset sports a 6.43-inch display and features a 64-megapixel primary rear camera. It is powered by the octa-core Qualcomm…
Oppo Reno 8Z 5G from the Chinese smartphone company is reportedly making its way to the market soon. Multiple leaks had recently suggested the expected processor, RAM and storage details of…
Oppo Reno 8Z 5G has been spotted on Geekbench suggesting an octa-core Qualcomm SoC and a variant that will come with 8GB of RAM. The smartphone has already been spotted on multiple…
Oppo Reno 8Z 5G has been spotted on Thailand's National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) and has passed EU declaration, as per a report. The phone's name is said to be…