Express News Service
CHENNAI: Even as the world was gearing up to enter the New Year, over four dozen coaches working with various National Centres of Excellence…
Hindi NewsWomenWoman cyclist Accused, Coach Fell, Sports Officer Said Girls Have To Come Forward Without Fearनई दिल्ली3 मिनट पहलेलेखक: दीप्ति मिश्राकॉपी लिंकदेश की एक शीर्ष महिला साइक्लिस्ट…
NEW DELHI: The Sports Authority of India (SAI) on Monday said it has decided to close its 67 training centres across the country due to rising COVID-19 cases but national camps for elite…
Express News Service
CHENNAI: Patiala is not the only centre affected. Though mild, covid cases have surfaced in National Centre of Excellence in Bengaluru too. There…