BENGALURU: A Bengaluru court has vacated the stay over the use of the title 'Swathi Mutthina Male Haniye' for a film produced by actor-politician Ramya aka…
By Express News Service
Actor Ramya who was supposed to play the lead in Swathi Mutthina Male Haniye, has opted out of acting in the film. The Raj B Shetty…
BENGALURU: Kannada film actress Divya Spandana, also known as Ramya, is to make a comeback again in Sandalwood, ending her years of sabbatical.
This time, she…
The ‘national language’ debate that had actors Ajay Devgn and Kiccha Sudeep at loggerheads on Twitter has gained momentum, with many artistes from south Indian film industries coming out in…
A day after Ajay Devgn took on Kannada actor Kiccha Sudeep over a tweet about Hindi’s status as India’s national language, Sudeep’s former co-star and actor-politician Ramya has now slammed…