According to the British Heart Foundation, coronary heart disease is one of the UK's leading causes of death, responsible for around 64,000 deaths each year. In the UK, People with…
For many people around the world, watching television has long been a favourite pastime. But if you're watching television for long periods of time, it's time to reconsider your daily…
Allergic disorders are some conditions caused by a reaction of the immune system to typically harmless substances. These diseases include hay fever, food allergies, atopic dermatitis,…
Researchers said the analysesthe largest to look at coffee's potential role in heart disease and deathprovide reassurance that coffee isn't tied to new or worsening heart disease and may…
The results pave the way for a whole new field of targeted therapies for those at risk of coronary heart disease - the world's biggest killer.
The early stages of diabetic retinopathy usually don't have any symptoms. In later stages of the disease, people will notice changes in their vision like blurred vision, difficulty seeing…
Night shift work was also linked to an increased risk of heart disease, but not to stroke or heart failure.‘Night shift workers should get their hearts checked early if they feel any pain…