Actor Ajay Devgn has shared a couple of photos on Instagram that show him doting on his son, Yug. The photos are clicked on a balcony and feature of Ajay and Yug as they cuddle and look…
Express News Service
CHENNAI: More than 19 years ago, Sujeet Maan received the Arjuna Award from then President APJ Abdul Kalam at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi for…
Actor Prakash Raj discusses his Hindi web series ‘Mukhbir - The Story of a Spy’ and why he cherishes diverse projects that cut across formats and languages
Actor Prakash Raj discusses his…
In a game celebrating stars past and present, it was the man at the intersection of the two who shined brightest Tuesday night.From the moment he walked out of the dugout on Tuesday,…