Markets regulator Sebi has slapped a penalty totalling Rs 59 lakh on nine persons in a case pertaining to alleged fraudulent scheme of misrepresenting financial statements of Limited. These…
New Delhi: & on Saturday said it will move to the Securities Appellate Tribunal against the Sebi's ruling that barred the company, its promoters from the securities markets for up to…
Others banned and penalised by the SEBI are — Scal Services Limited, a Wadia Group company, its then directors D. S. Gagrat, N. H. Datanwala Shailesh Karnik, R. Chandrasekharan and Durgesh…
Sebi has barred 10 entities, including & and its promoters Nusli N Wadia, Ness Wadia and Jehangir Wadia from the securities markets for up to two years and levied a fine totalling Rs…