Months after Shailesh Lodha’s exit from the show was evident, the producers are all set to introduce the new Taarak Mehta in the popular comedy show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah. The latest promo teases fans to a glimpse of the new actor, but shies away from showing his face. Nonetheless, fans are already playing the guessing game and believe it is Sachin Shroff. (Also read: Asit Modi says TMKOC ‘rukega nahi’ after Shailesh Lodha’s exit)
The latest promo for the show, shared on Instagram, shows Anjali Mehta (Taarak’s wife) walking away as we hear a man’s voice singing the Ganesha aarti at the society pandal. The caption for the video read as, “Aakhir kaun kar raha hai Ganpati Bappa ki Aarti Janane ke liye dekhte rahiye (Who is doing the Ganpati arti? Stay tuned to find out) #TaarakMehtaKaOoltahChashmah, Mon-Sat raat 8:30 baje. #TMKOCMiniIndia #GokuldhamUniverse #Ganpati #GaneshChaturthi.” We get to see hands and eyes of the man but not his face. Fans were quick to make guesses and claim it is Sachin Shroff who will step into the shoes of Shailesh and essay the role of Taarak Mehta in the show.
Some of them praised the move to replace Shailesh while a few others did not like the idea. One of them wrote, “Great new tarak Mehta great show band nhi hona chahiye dheere dheere adjust karenge inko bhi (Show must not shut down, we will adjust with the new ones as well).”
Another one commented, “End the show we want to remain this show has best show ever in India please Don’t spoil it by new cast. Old cast and old TMKOC were best and pure entertainment.”
Reports earlier this week claimed that Sachin will be replacing Shailesh as Taarak Mehta on Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah. Sachin’s recent projects included Prakash Jha’s web show Aashram that featured Bobby Deol in the lead role, and the TV show Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Meiin.
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