Chief of the Delhi Commission for Women, Swati Maliwal has responded to the recent buzz surrounding Ranveer Singh’s nude photoshoot. Pointing out that women’s nude photos are ‘fed’ to the society on a daily basis, she wondered if there were no real issues in the country as all prime time debates on TV news channels have been focusing on Ranveer’s magazine photoshoot. (Also read: When Shah Rukh Khan said Ranveer Singh would get booked for not wearing clothes)
Swati tweeted on Thursday, “The society is fed nude photos of women on a daily basis and no one objects. One actor, for reasons best known to himself, decides to pose nude and becomes the topic of prime time debates. Are there no real issues in the country?”
Soon after posing naked for Paper magazine’s latest cover photoshoot, Ranveer shared a few pictures on social media last week and was criticised by a section of people. Ranveer now faces police complaints and FIRs regarding the photoshoot. An NGO filed an FIR in Mumbai alleging that he had ‘hurt the sentiments of women in general and insulted their modesty through his photographs’. The FIR added that India has a “good culture” but due to such photos, everyone’s sentiments are hurt.
Many celebs have extended their support to Ranveer. Actor Vidya Balan, filmmakers Ram Gopal Varma and Vivek Agnihotri are among many. who supported him.
The Netflix interactive special Ranveer vs Wild with Bear Grylls was the recent show that featured Ranveer. He now has Rohit Shetty’s Cirkus with Jacqueline Fernandes and Pooja Hegde. Cirkus is likely to release by year-end and is said to be an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors. Ranveer will also be seen in Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, which features Dharmendra, Alia Bhatt, Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi.
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