Actor Swara Bhasker is celebrating her first birthday after marrying Samajwadi Party leader Fahad Ahmad. She turned 35 on Sunday. Celebrating it, Fahad took to Twitter and shared their loved up photo with a sweet wish. He also addressed her as ‘bhai (brother) and at the end of the post, shared a clarification about it after they were criticised the last time for Swara calling him the same. Also read: Swara Bhasker’s old tweet calling fiance Fahad Ahmad ‘bhai’ resurfaces ahead of wedding in March
The photo featured Swara smiling and sitting next to Fahad. She had placed her head on his shoulder as both posed for the camera in a low-light area. Sharing the photo, the political leader wrote, “Many many happy returns of the day bhai, listening to your suggestion on my birthday I am married, I hope u get to know from twitter.”
“Thank you for completing me in every aspect, I’m blessed to have a friend and mentor like u. I love you my heart P.S-bhai is gender neutral.” Meanwhile, Swara is yet to respond to the post.
Swara and Fahad had a court marriage. They announced that they submitted their papers on January 6 under the Special Marriage Act.
Soon after they held an engagement party before the wedding ceremony, an old tweet of the actor in which she called Fahad ‘bhai’ had surfaced. Social media users had mixed reactions to it.
Swara and Fahad met at a protest in Delhi. Announcing their wedding, the Veere De Wedding actor said, “Sometimes you search far & wide for something that was right next to you all along. We were looking for love, but we found friendship first. And then we found each other! Welcome to my heart @FahadZirarAhmad It’s chaotic but it’s yours!” Retweeting her post, Fahad added, “I never knew chaos can be so beautiful. Thank you for holding my hand love @ReallySwara.”
After tying the knot, the couple held a wedding reception in Delhi. It was attended by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, Shashi Tharoor, TMC leader Derek O’Brien and actor Jaya Bachchan among many others. A Walima ceremony was also kept in the city where Swara wore a bridal outfit from a Pakistan designer.
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