Swara Bhasker continues to serve different looks during her pre-wedding celebrations in Delhi. On Monday, the actor channeled a Telugu bride for a day function which had Carnatic vocalist Sudha Raghuraman performing live on stage. The decor too was done traditionally with marigold flowers in front of a simple white setting. Also read: Swara Bhasker, Fahad Ahmad twin in green at sangeet, show off their mehendi. See pics
Taking to her Instagram Stories, Swara shared several pictures and videos from the Monday celebration. She wore a red and golden saree complete with traditional jewellery to get the look of a Telugu bride. “Channelling Telugu Brides,” she wrote with one of the photos. She looked stunning in a nose ring, mathapatti, matching hair accessories, earrings, necklace, and matching glass bangles. Her fiance Fahad Ahmad joined her in a cream kurta pyjama paired with a beige Nehru jacket.
Swara also shared a video of Carnatic vocalist Sudha Raghuraman performing on stage. She wrote, “The amazing @sudharaghuraman20 making our wedding celebrations magical #SwaadAnusaar.”
She also posted several pictures and videos from her mehendi and sangeet held on Sunday. She had worn an orange anarkali suit for the mehendi and a green lehenga for the sangeet. She also danced as singer Deene Khan sang for her. Sharing a few pictures, she even joked, “Stalking other websites for my own wedding photos.”
Swara had announced last month that she had registered her marriage with Fahad Ahmad, who is the state president of Samajwadi Party’s youth wing — Samajwadi Yuvjan Sabha. She had shared a video to give a sneak peek into their love story and had written, “Sometimes you search far & wide for something that was right next to you all along. We were looking for love, but we found friendship first. And then we found each other! Welcome to my heart @FahadZirarAhmad It’s chaotic but it’s yours!” Retweeting her post, Fahad had written, “I never knew chaos can be so beautiful. Thank you for holding my hand love @ReallySwara.”
Swara is currently working on her next film, Mrs Falani. She was last seen in the 2022 film Jahaan Chaar Yaar, alongside Shikha Talsania and others.
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