Actor Sushmita Sen shared her plans for Mother’s Day on social media. She is spending the day with her daughters Renee Sen and Alisah Sen who are pampering her with handmade gifts, customised games, cookies and more. Alisah also prepared lunch for them. Also read: Sushmita Sen shares photo with ex-boyfriend Rohman Shawl alongside a flirty comment
On Sunday, Sushmita took to her Instagram handle and added a bunch of photos from her home. It featured her lying on a couch with Renee and Alisah. The wall of their house was adorned with Polaroid images of the family, decorated with fairy lights. The last one has them laughing and enjoying a conversation.
Sharing them all, the actor wrote, “Lunch cooked by Alisah, handmade gifts, customised games, tasty cookies… a wall full of pictures celebrating my 24 years of Motherhood… A #mothersday made special with thoughtful gifts & moments that money can’t buy!!! #perrrrrfect.”
She further added, “I am a proud Maa!!! Thank you Alisah & Renee Shona for making my heart smile #sharing #happiness #love #belonging #celebrationoflife I love you guys!!! #duggadugga.” Responding to her post, Renee wrote in the comment section, “We love you Maa… so blessed to call you ours.” On the other hand, Alisah is not on the social media platform.
Meanwhile, a fan wrote to Sushmita, “Truly amazing… You’re indeed super inspiring mother every daughter would wish.. lots of love to you all.” “Happy mother’s day,” wished another one.
Sushmita embraced motherhood when she adopted Renee in 2000, a few years after being crowned Miss Universe 1994. The actor was only 24 and Renee was only six months old then. Later, Sushmita also adopted her second daughter, Alisah. She raised them as a single mother.
Recently, Sushmita Sen attended HT India’s Most Stylish 2023 awards with her daughter Alisah. They were also joined by the actor’s ex-boyfriend Rohman Shawl. At the event, she bagged the Style With Substance Award.
Sushmita will be next seen in Aarya 3. She is currently shooting for season 3 of her web series in Rajasthan. She also has Taali in the pipeline in which she plays transgender activist Gauri Sawant.
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