Before she joined Bollywood and was seen in Indian reality TV shows, Sunny Leone was a part of the adult film industry in America. The actor spoke about facing trolls in India, even though she lived in Canada, at the start of her career, when she was aged around 19-20. She added she used to get hate mail and death threats, which made her think she will never come to India as Sunny Leone as people were ‘so angry’ at her. Also read: Sunny Leone asks paps if they think she can’t speak Hindi
In a new interview, Sunny recalled the initial years of her career in the adult entertainment industry, and how the reaction of people in India affected her. Sunny, who is known for dance numbers like Baby Doll, also spoke about being skeptical, when she finally decided to move to India and work in Bollywood.
“In the beginning of my career, I received so much hate mail and death threats and all sorts of crazy things when I first came into the adult entertainment industry that I said there is no way I will ever go to India as Sunny Leone because they are so angry at me,” Sunny Leone said in an interview to Galatta Plus.
She further added, “When I got those letters, I was 19-20 and when you are 19-20 there’s a lot of things that affect you in a certain way that would never affect me now and you just don’t know. And I was alone so it wasn’t like I had someone to guide me, or speak to about these things saying ‘it’s okay, relax, don’t worry about haters, there are so many out there’. That was my first encounter with trolls and people talking all sorts of bad things.”
Sunny, whose real name is Karenjit Kaur, made her acting debut with Pooja Bhatt’s Jism 2 in 2012. She has since then appeared in films such as Jackpot, Ragini MMS 2, Ek Paheli Leela and Mastizaade. She was recently seen hosting the reality dating show Splitsvilla X4. Sunny is married to Daniel Weber since 2011. The couple has three children together, daughter Nisha (who was adopted in 2017), and twin boys Noah and Asher (who were born through surrogacy in 2018).
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