KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty’s wedding will reportedly take place on January 23, 2023, and will be a three-day affair starting from January 21. The pre-wedding festivities will reportedly take place at Athiya’s father, actor Suniel Shetty’s farmhouse in Khandala. KL Rahul’s Mumbai home is already decked up for the festivities as latest paparazzi videos showed fairy light decorations outside the building. Before Athiya’s wedding with the cricketer, take a peek inside Suniel’s spacious Khandala farmhouse Jahaan, reportedly the venue for the upcoming wedding. Also read: Ahead of Athiya Shetty-KL Rahul’s wedding, preparations begin at his home in Mumbai. Watch
In a 2022 episode of the YouTube show Where the Heart Is, Suniel Shetty had opened the doors of his impressive Khandala family home built over a hilltop. The massive farmhouse is situated amidst nature and comes with scenic views, expansive gardens, stone sculptures, soothing interiors, a swimming pool and much more.
Suniel’s Khandala farmhouse has a zen vibe, with an almost life-size Buddha installation sitting pretty in one of the gardens. There’s another Buddha statue by the gorgeous infinity pool, which is surrounded by greenery. There are also tons of outdoor seating areas with red bricks and picturesque patios making them a perfect spot for hanging out and taking pictures.
The house also comes with a massive living room, not to mention a media room, and several dining spots interspersed throughout the space. The house features warm wooden flooring with white and brown furniture and furnishings. Decor elements such as a rustic artwork, statues, paintings, other collectibles and oversized indoor plants make the whole space come alive.
Another highlight of the home is a sprawling indoor-outdoor room, which offers a dreamy seating area, perfect for soaking in an uninterrupted view of the hills. What’s more the ceiling even opens up to give a glimpse of Khandala’s foggy skies. It features wooden flooring and white lounge-worthy sofas juxtaposed with dark glass windows. Huge lamps, plants, cushions of all sizes also make an appearance, much like the other spots in the house.
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