Actor Ankita Lokhande opened up about her love of all-white interiors, admitting that her husband Vicky Jain was initially not a fan of the pared-back interiors in their Mumbai home. The apartment, described by their interior designer as ‘white house’, feels light and airy, and has only white interiors and furniture – from a huge sofa with matching cushions to the bed in the master bedroom. In a new home tour video, Ankita and Vicky take fans inside their apartment decorated in all cream and white tones. The couple moved into their luxurious apartment last year. Also read: Ankita Lokhande says ‘mai khud baby hoon’ as she’s asked when is she becoming a mom
In the video, after Ankita and her husband welcomed viewers inside their home, Vicky said about their choice of going with all-white interiors, “It looked a little difficult to us, to think of this initially.” Ankita then chimed in, and said, “But I was quite sure about all-white, he was not really very sure. But I was sure that I want all-white because white is my favourite colour.”
Sticking with all-white walls throughout the apartment, the couple added furniture in similar tones that made their spaces feel refreshing and peaceful. Since there was no visual stimulation with colour in the rooms, they used rugs, upholstery, throw blankets with thick, rough textures, whitewash textured furniture and decor pieces in only a handful of shades of white to add more interest to their apartment. Even the light fixtures in the living room had glossy white finishes. The bedroom featured an all-white bed with matching bedding and furnishings.
Their interior designer explained the idea behind the decor, saying, “The brief given to me was a white house. I thought of creating so many layers of white with the textures that would create a house that does not fall flat, but accentuates the beauty of one colour, which is white.”
After dating for several years, Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain married on December 14, 2021 in a lavish wedding ceremony in Mumbai. While the actor has shared pictures of her house on social media multiple times, she also gave a mini tour of her home in the most TV soap manner pssible. In June 2022, Ankita had recreated the iconic intro song of the popular show Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, which featured actor-politician Smriti Irani in the lead. In the video, she introduced every member of her family along with her husband Vicky Jain, as she showed around her apartment.
Ankita made her acting debut with Ekta Kapoor’s Pavitra Rishta, co-starring the late Sushant Singh Rajput. She has also worked in two Bollywood movies – Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi and Baaghi 3.
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