Apple CEO Tim Cook is in India to inaugurate the first ever Apple retail store in the country. On Monday, many celebs met him at an event in Mumbai, one of them was actor Sonam Kapoor. She was joined by husband Anand Ahuja. On Tuesday, Sonam took to Instagram to share a series of photos of herself and Anand’s look from the event. She wore a grey formal outfit, while Anand was in a blue and grey look. Also read: Sonam Kapoor gives tour of grand NMACC museum, says she hasn’t seen something like this. Watch
Sharing photos with Anand Ahuja, Sonam wrote in her caption, “My handsome date who is one of the biggest supporters of creative talent and innovation. He feels they always go hand and hand. It requires wonderful imagination to create anything new in the arts, engineering or science. We all are creators.” A comment on the post read, “God bless you both.” Actor Bhumi Pednekar dropped heart and fire emojis in the comments section of Sonam’s post.
Sonam also shared some solo photos on Instagram and wrote in her caption, “Such a stunning @apple store launched in Bombay (Mumbai). But was most impressed with the members that are a part of the Apple leadership and the team that they’ve built. Kudos to the company.”
Sonam Kapoor tied the knot with businessman Anand Ahuja in 2018. They welcomed their baby boy Vayu last year in August. In an interview with The Indian Express in January this year, Sonam had spoken about her maternity break. She had said, “I think it was the best decision as I got to take some time off…”
After her long break, Sonam is making her film comeback with Shome Makhija’s Blind. This will be her first film since she gave birth to son Vayu last year. The first look from the film was shared by the director recently. The film features Sonam in the lead role. Actors Purab Kohli, Vinay Pathak and Lillete Dubey feature in supporting roles. Blind is a remake of the 2011 Korean film of the same name and centres around a blind police officer in search of a serial killer.
Sonam was last seen in the 2019 film The Zoya Factor alongside Dulquer Salmaan and Angad Bedi. Before that Sonam had starred in Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, which was released in the same year. She also had a cameo appearance in Netflix’s AK vs AK (2020).
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