Sonam Kapoor and her husband, businessman Anand Ahuja opened up about using a unique art piece to announce their son’s arrival. On August 20, the couple welcomed their first child in Mumbai. To share this news, Anil Kapoor shared a customised art and said, “Sonam and Anand have been blessed with a healthy baby boy and we couldn’t be more elated.” Also read: Rhea Kapoor takes fans inside Sonam Kapoor’s newborn son’s welcome at home
Now explain the meaning behind the special art, Sonam and Anand shared on Instagram that it represents the union between the ‘Sky father’ and ‘Earth Mother’. “It refers to the universal concepts of a union between the Sky Father and the gentle, attentive and watchful Earth Mother, represented here by the Eagle and the Deer respectively.”
The picture features a bird and a deer. Talking about the inspiration behind it, Sonam continued, “Eagles or hawks are associated with fatherhood and otherworldly creation (the overarching concept of the Dyeus Pita/Sky Father). Deer are associated with motherhood. They are gentle, attentive and watchful creatures. They are always on guard and can move, adapt, and survive even in the most challenging conditions.”
“Ever since the early Neolithic, when the earth was much colder and reindeer more widespread, the female reindeer was venerated by northern people. She was the “life-giving mother”, the leader of the herds upon which they depended for survival, and they followed the reindeer migrations for milk, food, clothing and shelter. She was a revered spiritual figure associated with fertility, motherhood, regeneration and the rebirth of the sun,” she added.
On Friday, Sonam and her baby boy were discharged from the Mumbai hospital. They received a grand welcome at Anil Kapoor’s house upon arrival. Rhea Kapoor shared a glimpse of décor arrangements at their place, which included blue and yellow balloons, white flower arrangements and much more. She also revealed that the family nicknamed the little one Simba for the time being. Sonam and Anand have not yet revealed the face or name of their baby boy.
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