Former Indian cricket captain Krishnamachari ‘Kris’ Srikkanth and his wife Vidya Srikkanth took part inew reality TV show Smart Jodi. The show pits celebrity couples against one another in a bid to perform tasks successfully and emerge victorious. In a promo for the show’s upcoming episode, Kris and Vidya recall their first kiss, which they call a ‘very romantic’ moment. (Also read: Bhagyashree fights back tears, recalls family’s objection to her husband: ‘There was no one at my wedding, except him’)
In the promo for the show shared on Twitter by Star Plus, Kris and Vidya are shown arriving on stage before taking part in a mock traditional Tamil wedding ceremony in front of the other contestants. Vidya tells host Maniesh Paul, “Last time we got married, I was very young. Now, this feels funny.”
After this, Maniesh asks the couple if they would be comfortable sharing the story of their first kiss. At this, Vidya interrupts and says, “It was a very romantic kiss.” Kris then adds, “We were at her house in Delhi and she was making coffee for us.” Vidya continues, “He just walked into the kitchen and straightaway gave me a kiss.” At this, the other contestants applaud and laugh.
Kris Srikkanth played 43 Tests and 146 ODIs for the Indian cricket team from 1981-92. He was part of the team that won the 1983 World Cup. In the recently released film 83, Kris was portrayed by actor Jiiva. Kris and Vidya got married in 1980. They have two children together- Anirudha and Adithyaa.
Other contestants on Smart Jodi include Bhagyashree and Himalaya, Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain, Gaurav Taneja and Ritu Rathee, Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma, Arjun Bijlani and Neha Swami, Natalya Ilina and Rahul Mahajan, among others.
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