Sidharth Malhotra attended a brand event on Thursday where he referred Kiara Advani as ‘my wife’. A video from the event surfaced online and left the fans of the couple gushing over it. Sidharth and Kiara tied the knot earlier this month in Jaisalmer. Also read: Kiara Advani shares candid family pics from wedding, mehendi, sangeet as she wishes her mom on her birthday. See here
Sidharth was decked up in a white shirt, black trousers paired with a cream blazer, complete with a bow tie for a perfume launch event. While talking about the perfume, he also said, “I have my day perfumes and I have my night perfumes. So this is a big edition to one of my night perfumes. I hope my wife likes it.”
A fan page shared the video on Instagram. A fan reacted to the video, “A short sentence but has a valuable meaning.” Another wrote, “So sweet”.
Sidharth and Kiara tied the knot in an intimate ceremony on February 7 at Suryagarh Palace, a resort near Jaisalmer in Rajasthan. They hosted a reception in Delhi for their close friends and later in Mumbai on February 12. Karan Johar, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Alia Bhatt, Kajol, Gauri Khan, Sanjay Leela Bhansali and other celebs attended the Mumbai reception.
The couple has been sharing inside pictures from the wedding celebrations on Instagram. Kiara recently shared family pictures from the wedding functions as she wished her mom on her birthday on Wednesday. They had a mehendi-haldi ceremony along with a golden Sangeet and a day wedding.
A candid video from the varmala ceremony was among the most popular videos from the wedding as it showed Kiara walking down the aisle in a soft pink lehenga and greeting Sidharth with a hug. She even danced a bit, gesturing as if pulling Sidharth towards herself while Sidharth looked at his watch, joking that she was wasting time.
Sidharth and Kiara had come close while working on their 2021 film Shershaah. It had a digital release but was widely appreciated by the audience and the critics. Sidharth played the role of martyr Vikram Batra while Kiara played his fiancee Dimple Cheema.
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