Actor Kiara Advani attended the song launch of Sun Sajni from her upcoming film Satyaprem Ki Katha in Mumbai on Wednesday. Kiara, accompanied by her co-star Kartik Aaryan, was clicked at the event by the paparazzi. The star slipped into a sindoori red outfit for the occasion, and her stunning look in the ensemble got love from her husband, Sidharth Malhotra. Scroll through to see Kiara’s pictures and read our download on it.
Sidharth Malhotra hearts Kiara Advani’s red outfit for Satyaprem Ki Katha song launch
Apart from the paparazzi pictures and videos shared on social media, Kiara Advani shared photos of her sindoori red look on Instagram with the caption, “Swipe for clarity [heart emoji] Mood Red [rose emoji].” After she posted the clicks, fans showered the star with love in the comments section. Sidharth Malhotra dropped a heart-eye and a fire emoji. A user wrote, “Laal mere dil ka haal.” A fan commented, “You wear it beautifully.” Several other fans also posted heart emojis to praise Kiara’s look.
Kiara Advani’s look decoded
Kiara’s Satyaprem Ki Katha song launch look features a bralette, flared pants and an embroidered long jacket. While the bralette blouse has noodle straps, a plunging sweetheart neckline flaunting her décolletage, a cropped midriff-baring hem, a fitted bust, and sequinned embellishments in a floral pattern, the chiffon pants have a flared silhouette and floral sequin embroidery on the high-rise waist.
Kiara paired the bralette and flared pants with a long jacket featuring raised collars, an open front, floor-length silhouette, full sleeves, and floral pattern embroidery done in multi-coloured sequins and threadwork.
Kiara styled the ensemble with minimal accessories, including oxidised silver jhumkis and Kolhapuri block sandals. Lastly, she chose feathered brows, subtle eye shadow, mascara on the lashes, glossy pink lip shade, rouged cheekbones, beaming highlighter, and a dewy base for the glam picks. Open side-parted wavy locks gave the finishing touch.
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