Actor Shweta Tiwari took to Instagram recently and shared a glimpse of her ‘day out’ with son, Reyaansh. Shweta wore a pink swimsuit as the mother-son spent time in a swimming pool. Apart from sharing some solo photos of her posing in the water, Shweta also posted pictures of herself and her son laughing as they played in the water. She wrote in her Instagram caption on Monday, “Day out!” Shweta added a swimmer emoji to her caption. Also read: Shweta Tiwari celebrates son Reyansh’s birthday at amusement park
In one of the photos taken near the swimming pool, Shweta Tiwari posed with a white flower in her hair. She also shared some solo photos of herself inside the pool. Her son Reyaansh had a yellow swimming ring around him in most of the pool photos the actor posted. The mother and son were captured looking at each other and laughing in one of the pool photos. Shweta also held Reyaansh’s hand as he tried to swim in one of the images.
This is not the first time that Shweta has shared photos from an outing with son Reyaansh. Last year in November, the actor had wished her son on his sixth birthday with a bunch of pictures from a theme park. They celebrated the special day with ice skating and swimming in an amusement park.
Shweta had married actor Abhinav Kohli in 2013. Their son Reyaansh was born in 2016. Shweta had filed a complaint of domestic violence against Abhinav alleging harassment by him towards her and her daughter from her first marriage. They separated in 2019. Shweta was previously married to Raja Chaudhary; they have a daughter named Palak Tiwari, who will soon be making her Bollywood debut in Salman Khan’s Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, which will be released this year.
In an interview last year, Shweta Tiwari had opened up about her marriages, if she feared being judged by society for their failures, and her thoughts on the institution of marriage today. She had told ETimes, “Honestly, I did try to save my first marriage, because that was my upbringing ki sab samajh kar chalna chahiye (you should think of all scenarios and act accordingly). However, I didn’t waste time in my second marriage. Mujhe pata tha kharaab ho gaya hai toh kharaab hone hi wala hai (I knew it was bad), no matter how much I try to salvage it. After a point, I decided to finish it.”
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