Shweta Basu Prasad shared glimpses from her recent meeting with veteran actor Sharmila Tagore in Manhattan, New York. Taking to Instagram on Wednesday, Shweta shared pictures with Sharmila. In the photo, the duo smiled and posed for the camera. In the picture, Sharmila wore a maroon chiffon saree and a matching blouse. Shweta was also seen in a maroon velvet outfit. (Also Read | Shweta Basu Prasad recalls asking Gulzar why he wears white all the time, his reply floored her)
Sharing the photo, Shweta Basu Prasad captioned it, “With Devi, in Mahanagar (heart eyes emoji). Sharmila ji and I during PR activities for @nyindianfilmfest for our respective films Gulmohar and Retake. New York city…” Shweta also added the hashtags–Sharmila Tagore. Satyajit Ray, Devi, Shweta Basu Prasad, New York, New York Indian Film Festival, Gulmohar film and Retake short film. Shweta geo-tagged her location as Manhattan, New York.
Taking to her Instagram Stories, Shweta shared a candid picture with Sharmila. She wrote, “I had to tell her so much. Talk about Tagore, Ray and winged eyeliners. All she said was, ‘We are both wearing the same colour’. Me: ‘Yes we are twinning. Also, I love you’.”
Shweta has written and directed the short film Retake. The film is about a 60-year-old artist who questions his life decisions and artistic endeavours after meeting his former lover and buddy at the funeral of his mentor.
The film stars Anupam Kher, Zarina Wahab, and Danish Husain. Recently, Applause Entertainment announced on Instagram that the film will premiere at the New York Indian Film Festival. Anupam had commented on the post, “Looking forward for the world to watch our gem of a short film. #Retake.”
Shweta is best remembered for her award-winning performance in Makdee as a child artist. Recently, the actor garnered praise for portraying the role of Binod Das’s wife in the Prime Video show Jubilee. She has also featured in series such as Criminal Justice and India Lockdown.
Sharmila returned to acting with Gulmohar after a long time. Helmed by Rahul Chittella, Manoj Bajpayee, Simran and Suraj Sharma are also a part of this movie. The film released on Disney+ Hotstar in March this year.
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