Shruti Haasan and her love for food need no introduction. The actress recently held an AMA session on Instagram Stories during her lunch break. While many quizzed Shruti about her favourite films, colours, and songs, others urged her to share unseen pictures from her college, underwater, and with her boyfriend, Santanu Hazarika. In the middle of this, a fan asked Shruti what she would choose between traditional goods and junk food. “Traditional good or junk food?” the question read. What, according to you, would have been her answer? Any guesses? She merged the two options and came up with an altogether different answer. “Traditional junk food,” she replied. If you are wondering what this third category is, Shruti Haasan also shared an image of her indulgence to give us some clarity. It featured a bowl full of baked chips, which looked a lot like namak pare. Take a look:
Also Read: “My Love For Cooking Has Died,” Says Shruti Haasan; Here’s Why
Shruti Haasan’s love for food was also explored in a previous Ask-Me-Anything session. Her favourite? We have no surprises here. The answer is a typical South Indian meal, which is served on a banana leaf. Yummy, isn’t it? If you follow the actress on Instagram, you know that Shruti Haasan has a major sweet tooth. And she loves chocolate. Answering a fan’s query, she also revealed her top chocolate picks: a bar of black forest-flavoured chocolate, white chocolates, and potato chip chocolate.
Also Read: Want To Know What Kind Of Salad Shruti Haasan Eats? Get A Glimpse Of Her High-Protein Meal
The actress also shared everything about her favourite dessert. It featured not one, not two but a total of three dishes. Best part? Each dessert was from a different cuisine. Well, it speaks volumes about her love for exploring diversity in food. Her top three favourite desserts are: Matcha ice cream, jalebi, and some fresh berry cream cake. When asked to make a choice between Mango and Avocado, the actress couldn’t make one. “Best of both,” she wrote. However, neither mango nor avocado is her favourite fruit. Shruti Haasan’s favourite fruit is custard apples. Read the full story here.
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