Shehnaaz Gill is in Dubai and has been sharing pictures and videos of her time there. On Saturday, the actor had attended the Filmfare Middle East Achievers Night 2022 along with celebs like Janhvi Kapoor, Sunny Leone, Govinda, Ranveer Singh and Hema Malini, among others. In the latest video she shared of herself from Dubai, Shehnaaz is seen running away from a lion cub. She’s also heard screaming ‘Waheguru (Sikh term for God)’ as the cub moved closer to her. Also read: Shehnaaz Gill says ‘this is for you’ as she dedicates award to Sidharth Shukla
On Monday, Shehnaaz Gill took to Instagram and shared a funny video of herself with her friends and team as they met a lion cub inside a room. In the clip, a scared Shehnaaz is seen running away from the room after the lion cub started roaming inside it and brushing himself against some people, who were seated in the floor.
Shehnaaz entered the room a couple of times, surrounded by her team, and attempted to meet the cub; but she ran away every time. In the caption, Shehnaaz admitted she was scared of the cub. She wrote, “Main dar gayi (I got scared).” In the video, a petrified Shehnaaz is heard saying, “Waheguru sachhe patshah (Waheguru is the true king – a Sikh prayer/saying).”
Shehnaaz fans took to the comments section of her post with some even asking her to not get scared. One person wrote, “Are aap to khud humari sherni ho isse mat daro (you are our lioness, don’t be afraid of this lion cub).” A fan commented, “She is so cute…” Many also left laughing emojis.
Shehnaaz is busy with her upcoming Bollywood debut, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. Directed by Farhad Samji, the film also stars Salman Khan, Venkatesh Daggubati and Pooja Hedge. At the recent Filmfare Middle East Achievers Night, Shehnaaz was honoured with an award, which she had dedicated to late actor and rumoured boyfriend Sidharth Shukla. She had also thanked him for investing his time in her.
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