Telugu actor Sharwanand is all set to get married. His engagement ceremony with Rakshita was attended by some of the biggest names in Tollywood. Sharwanand, son of Myneni Vasundhara Devi and Myneni Ratnagiri Vara Prasad Rao, will tie the knot with Rakshita, who is a techie. Rakshita is the daughter of High Court lawyer Pasunoor Madhusudhan Reddy and Pasunoor Sudha Reddy.
The engagement of Sharwanand and Rakshita was held in a grand ceremony in Hyderabad and the couple exchanged rings in the presence of family members, relatives, and close friends. The wedding date will be announced soon.
Sharwanand on Thursday also posted pictures from the ceremony on his social media handles. He wrote in the caption, “I found the one for me Rakshita.” Actor Kajal Aggarwal wrote, “Big congratulations and wish you both a lifetime of love and togetherness.”
Megastar Chiranjeevi’s family, Nagarjuna’s family, Ram Charan, Upasana, Akhil, Nani, Rana Daggubati, Siddharth, Aditi Rao Hydari, were part of the celebrations. Ram Charan and his wife Upasana twinned in pink outfits. Ram Charan wore a pink kurta and dark sunglasses while Upasana wore a matching pink saree.
Actor Aditi Rao Hydari looked pretty in her yellow saree with green blouse. She kept her hair loose as she posed with the couple. Her rumoured boyfriend Siddharth also posed with them. He wore a printed red kurta with a black jacket on top. Chiranjeevi and his wife also blessed the couple. Rana Daggubatti arrived in an all-white outfit.
As per reports, Siddharth has been dating actor Aditi Rao Hydari for quite a long time after they first met on the sets of their romantic action film Maha Samudram (2021). They have neither denied nor confirmed the rumours of their dating. Last year, the duo was seen attending actors Rajkummar Rao and Patralekha’s wedding in Chandigarh.
Ram Charan and Upasana were recently in Los Angeles where they attended the Golden Globe Awards. She wore a saree to the red carpet and cheered for her husband’s film RRR, which won the Best Song award. She might also accompany him to LA again, this time for the Oscars, as Naatu Naatu from RRR is nominated in Best Song category again.
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