Shark Tank India has opened registrations for season 3. The announcement came with a hilarious promo about the perks of nepotism in business world and how not everyone has it. The registrations are all set to open from 3rd June exclusively on Sony LIV. Over the last two seasons, sharks have invested a staggering ₹80 crore across 103 businesses. (Also read: Shark Tank’s Vineeta Singh recalls moving to Mumbai with ₹10,000 salary at 23)
The witty promo
The new promo is set at an awards function where a businessman is being honoured for his work. He counts the ‘challenges’ he faced early in his career, which he began with lakhs of rupees given to him by dad and uncles. Those around him got a bit confused whether there is any self-made quality to his success. A waiter at the event says to the camera that unlike the awardee, not everyone gets money and funding from relatives. For such people, Shark Tank is a good place to begin.
The process
Download or update the Sony LIV app or log on to to fill out the Shark Tank India Season 3 registration form. Provide a captivating description of your business idea, highlighting its uniqueness and potential. You will advance to the next step if your idea catches the Shark Tank India team’s attention.
You can upload your three-minute video pitch to convince the Shark Tank India team why your business idea deserves their investment. Demonstrate what sets you apart and why you are poised for success.
Those who make it past the initial selection will face a rigorous audition process. Present your business idea to the Shark Tank India team, who will assess your potential and narrow down the candidates to the most promising ones. This audition is a crucial step toward realizing your aspirations in the world of entrepreneurship.
Selected participants, known as Pitchers, will enter the Tank, facing the renowned panel of Sharks. These experienced investors will evaluate, analyse, and make offers based on your final pitch.
Sharks from the previous two seasons include Ashneer Grover, Aman Gupta, Vineeta Singh, Anupam Mittal, Peyush Bansal, Amit Jain, Namita Thapar and Ghazal Alagh.
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