Malayalam actor Shane Nigam, who is currently shooting for Nahas Hidhayath’s upcoming film RDX, has once again found himself in the middle of a controversy as he reportedly walked out of the sets recently. The shoot of the project came to a standstill as Shane walked out on Monday night while senior actors such as Lal and Babu Antony were present on set. Also read: Minnal Murali director Basil Joseph shares pic with newborn daughter Hope Elizabeth: ‘She has already stolen our hearts’
Reports of Shane walking out of the film set took social media by storm on Tuesday after co-star Antony Varghese shared a cryptic Facebook post. Antony Varghese, who plays one of the central characters in the film along with Shane, took to his Facebook page to share a cryptic post which clearly indicated that he was not happy with the turn of events. He wrote: “No drama, please. Dedicated to those who are playing real-life drama here.”
Shane, as per a report by Onmanorama, was hellbent that he be given more prominence in terms of screen presence, compared to the rest of the actors. There have also been reports that the shoot of the film has been disrupted multiple times due to his behaviour.
A user on Twitter wrote: “Issues again in the sets of #RDX. Shane Nigam walks out of the set in between midnight shoot with senior actors Lal, Babu Antony, Baiju Santhosh and co-stars Antony Varghese and Neeraj Madhav. Shoot is being interrupted many times coz of Shane’s (sic).”
The film is tipped to be an action-thriller. Nearly 90 percent of the shoot of RDX is already over. It is said that the lead actors of the film underwent rigorous training for the action sequences.
In the past, Shane courted controversy while he was working on the Malayalam film Veyil. The makers as well as the director of the film had complained in the past that he would come late to the sets on many occasions. They claimed that he had changed his hairstyle without consulting with them which resulted in stalling the shoot for over a month.
Shane rose to fame after his work in Malayalam drama Kumbalangi Nights. In the same year, he starred in super hit Malayalam film Ishq, which was remade in Hindi as Operation Romeo.
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