Shahid Kapoor has started taking dig at wife Mira Rajput’s alleged fascination with her cell phone. The actor, who recently commented on her bathroom selfie, has now shared a candid video in which he can be seen making a face as he watches Mira Rajput scrolling on her cell phone. The couple also greeted each other on their Instagram Stories. Also read: Shahid Kapoor shares romantic pics with Mira Rajput from Switzerland
Late Sunday, Mira and Shahid shared pictures of them together on their respective Instagram handles to wish each other. Shahid wrote, “Hi lover” along with a picture of them in a car. Mira shared a similar picture and wrote, “Hi honey,” on her Instagram Story. Soon after, Shahid also shared a video in which he imitated Mira as she remained busy on her phone while sitting beside him in a moving car.
A day before, as soon as Mira shared a makeup selfie from the hotel washroom on Instagram, Shahid commented, “She so happy she didn’t even wait to leave the bathroom (laughing face emoji).”
The couple celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary last week. Both shared posts for each other on Instagram. Posting a picture with Mira, Shahid wrote, “7 down baby. Happy anni you made it through 7 hard long years. You a survivor. You a LEGEND.” On the other hand, Mira shared a vacation picture with Shahid as they sat in the sun and wrote, “The love of my life. Happy 7 baby. I love you beyond the itch and back.”
In April this year, Shahid had spoken about how his marriage with Mira was nothing like a love marriage and he still wonders how did it happen. He told Ranveer Allahbadia on his YouTube show, “I didn’t choose her. Maybe you should ask why she chose me. I was 13-and-a-half years older than her. We met through family, and we were unassuming enough to be open to meeting each other. We got along from the time we met, and it just happened. It was meant to happen. When I look back even I wonder, ‘Yeh kaise ho gaya?’”
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